Happy New Year

2023 is here and I had an appointment over in Ashford this week so I took the opportunity after I was done and there was 30 minutes of light left to collect a couple of food banks. I also had a response back from the Programme Leader for my photography unit and The Food Bank Photo Project is going to be featured as a student story which I am really excited about and has given me a little more reassurance that I should carry on pursuing the project!

Iā€™m just glad that I managed to get out so early in the year and carry on the building upon the project and it bodes well for it throughout 2023. On a slight side note as well, I have made a bit more effort to interact with my peers at university and I hope that this interaction can help inform own photographic journey as well as the Food Bank Photo Project!

Catch you next update!


Three new locations added


The Food Bank Photo Project makes its first donation